This morning I was delighted to see the long-awaited return of the Cambridge Tester Meetup in the form of an online Lean Coffee! Here's a few aggregated notes from the conversation in the group I was in.
Onboarding of testers in Covid land
From the company's side:
- Looking for tips for getting testers up and running remotely.
- Structured introduction plan, inluding people, tools, and relevant docs.
- Encouraging the new team member to complement that with finding their own path.
- Remember that it's hard being new and remote.
- Make sure that time to learn and to use the product is available.
- Try to find some task that can make them feel productive, an early win.
- Have a buddy with priority and time to answer questions.
- Set expectations on both sides.
From the onboarder's side:
- Be prepared to ask questions.
- Self-motivation is really important.
- Set some goals for yourself (to get that achievement hit).
- Be prepared for it to be harder.
- Be brave (even if you don't feel it).
The future of testing
- Moving towards more hands-on in other areas, e.g. DevOps, automation, or Quality Champion.
- Good testing or quality comes from the team supported by a quality professional.
- The basics of testing itself don't change: delivering business value by seeking problems or potential problems, uncovering risks (of what, to who), helping stakeholders to get the information they need to prioritise them.
- The implementation of that testing might change, e.g. by different people or with different practices.
- The testing work will always be there, so long as we are building things that we want to fulfill people's needs.
- Just look at the people on this call. We all call ourselves testers but we do different work in different ways even now.
Quality metrics that are ACTUALLY useful
- Looking for metric that represent quality for a team's delivery.
- The team selected a bunch of metrics but would like one that represents "maintainability."
- That's a hard concept to put a number on.
- Perhaps take something that's easy to get hold of, from CI.
- Perhaps something that a tool can generate, e.g. cyclomatic complexity.
- What is the impact you want to change, course correct?
- Can you form the metric in terms of that impact rather than in some property of the code.
- Perhaps keep records for a couple of months in a spreadsheet?
- ... if any developer feels impacted by maintainability issues, record where and some measure of the badness or cost,
- ... then review the data after a couple of months and see whether metrics suggest themselves.
Remote line management - top tips
- A new line manager has never met any of his reports. Tips please!
- Openly using a structure, to reduce uncertainty about what's going to happen.
- Be transparent about newness, and experiments you'll do with approaches.
- Use the mute button and let your reports talk.
- Be prepared for it to take longer to get to know someone.
- All the traditional stuff is still important.
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