Anne-Marie Charrett delivered a beta version of her Testbash Manchester keynote at the Cambridge Tester meetup this week . Her core message was that quality and testing are not the same thing: there are non-testing aspects of software development that contribute to product quality there are non-product aspects of quality which should be considered in software development. A theme of the talk was that customer benefit could be threatened by the second of these, by factors such as code hygiene, speed of delivery, and time to recover after a failure in production. Testers, and others in software development, were urged to reframe their view of quality to encompass these kinds of activities. A Venn diagram represented it like this: Interesting, but it didn't quite hang together for me. I slept on it. In the morning, I found myself thinking that what Anne-Marie was trying to visualise really had two notions of quality, and they were not the same. Perhaps she could mov