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Showing posts from April, 2015

Personal Development

Here's a couple of personal, experience-based, posts by developers that I came across recently and really like: On Code Review by Glen D Sanford Lessons Learned in Software Development  by Henrik Warne While Warne is up front about the fact that he's talking heuristics, Sanford doesn't explicitly say but is thinking that way too ("should probably always be"). In both cases the suggestions they make include general team-working advice for those working in software. Image:

Book Notes

I've had a good run of reading in the first three months this year and I thought I'd try to summarise it  by picking out one or two thoughts on each book. Becoming a Technical Leader , Gerald M. Weinberg  I'm not a vain or pretentious kind of chap, but I did enjoy discovering that leadership is all about moi . That is Motivation, Organisation and Ideas.  A good technical leader will look to supply these things in the right measures at the right times for their teams; a great technical leader will look at themselves to see which of these is their weakest and find ways to work at improving it. What Did You Say? The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback , Charles N. Seashore, Edith W. Seashore, Gerald M. Weinberg Before I started regular 1-1s with my test team last year, I cast around for ideas and found a series of Manager Tools podcasts which, despite being much longer than it needed to be, I liked a great deal. A few months in, I was looking for ways grow m

Who'd've Guest?

I was flattered to be asked to contribute articles to The Testing Planet and the uTest blog recently. Here's what I gave them: Not Sure About Uncertainty : thoughts on known/unknowns, quantifiable and unquantifiable risks, testing models incorporating them and their relationship to risk-based testing. Make Like a Tester : thoughts for testers starting a new job, with butter, elephants, Stephen Hawking and a sponge. Image: