I was taking a look at some documentation last week. It listed a bunch of quality initiatives and said what each of them ensured. Ensured. I had to stop and take a deep breath. Several deep breaths. And a brisk walk around the block. I am triggered by wording like this. When someone says they've done some kind of testing, all that it ensures, assuming we can believe them , is that they've done something that they call that kind of testing. Literally, that's it. Setting some thresholds for a static analysis tool doesn't ensure quality. It ensures that the tool, when it is run , will look for certain kinds of patterns, in the code that it sees , and alert when a certain level of positive matches are found. The rules it uses may or may not conform to our idea of what quality means and, even if they do, there are likely bugs in either our thinking or the tool. Configuring a traditional pull request workflow doesn't ensure quality. It ensures that there are blocker