I've written before about the links I see between joking and testing - about the setting up of assumptions, the reframing, and the violated expectations, amongst other things. I like to listen to the The Comedian's Comedian podcast because it encourages comics to talk about their craft, and I sometimes find ideas that cross over, or just provoke a thought in me. Here's a few quotes that popped out of the recent Elis James episode . On testing in the moment: Almost everyone works better with a bit of adrenaline in them. In the same way that I could never write good stuff in the house, all of my best jokes come within 20 minutes to performing or within 20 minutes of performing ... 'cos all of my best decisions are informed by adrenaline. On the value of multiple perspectives, experiences, skills: I've even tried sitting in the house and bantering with myself like I'm in a pub because I hate the myth that standups are all these weird auteurs and we sho