This month's Lean Coffee was hosted by Redgate. Here's some brief, aggregated comments and questions on topics covered by the group I was in.
What benefit would pair testing give me?
- I want to get my team away from scripted test cases and I think that pairing could help.
- What do testers get out of it? How does it improve the product?
- It encourages a different approach.
- It lets your mind run free.
- It can bring your team closer together.
- It can increase the skills across the test group.
- It can spread knowledge between teams.
- You could use the cases as jumping-off points.
- I am currently pairing with a senior tester on two approaches at the same time: functional and performance.
- For pairing to work well, you need to know each other, to have a relationship.
- There are different pairing approaches.
- How long should you pair for?
- We turned three hour solo sessions into 40 minute pair sessions.
- You can learn a lot, e.g. new perspectives, short-cuts, tips.
- Why not pair with developers?
Do you have a default first test? What it is? Why?
- Ask what's in the build, ask what the expectation is.
- A meta test: check that what you have in front of you is the right thing to test.
- It changes over time; often you might be biased by recent bugs, events, reading etc to do a particular thing.
- Make a mind map.
- A meta test: inspect the context; what does it make sense to do here?
- A pathetic test: just explore the software without challenging it. Allow it to demonstrate itself to you.
- Check that the problem that is fixed in this build can be reproduced in an earlier build.
How do you tell your testing story to your team?
- Is it a report, at the whiteboard, slides, a diagram, ...?
- Great to hear it called a story, many people talk about a report, an output etc.
- Some people just want a yes or no; a ship or not.
- I like the RST approach to the content: what you did, what you found, the values and risks.
- Start writing your story early; it helps to keep you on track and review what you've done
- Writing is like pairing with yourself!
- In TDD, the tests are the story.
One thing that would turn you off a job advert? One thing that would make you interested?
- Off: a list of skills (I prefer a story around the role).
- Off: needing a degree.
- Interested: the impression that there's challenge in the role and unknowns in the tasks.
- The advert is never like the job!
- Interested: describes what you would be working on.
- Off: "you will help guarantee quality".
- Interested: learning opportunities.
- Interested: that it's just outside of my comfort zone.
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