Dear Bug, After all we've been through I didn't expect to see you again the other day. Perhaps you thought I'd forgotten about us? Well, no, I remember you very well although without fondness. Our relationship was intense but short-lived. It started in the dev environment when I glimpsed you out of the corner of my eye and knew immediately that I wanted to hold you close. Love at first sight? I wouldn't say that, but I recollect you teasingly jinking this way and that as I followed you through the architecture of our service, laughing and crying in turn. Eventually I caught up and found that I had been pursuing twins, two effects from the same underlying cause. We went on double dates (triple dates?) with a developer friend of mine until it became apparent that she understood you way better than I did. And that was the beginning of the end for us. As soon as she had finished with the bug she was seeing, you left me to be with her. That's OK, even before you and she...