Kent Beck, in More What, Less How , identified an unknown. But how will he move towards knowing? By exploring in 3X: Explore/Expand/Extract. The rules of exploration are that it’s a numbers game. More experiments, more value. Try a little bit of a lot of things. One of those experiments will have dramatically more impact than anything to date. Follow up that. This speaks to me. On Friday I picked up the latest build of a new service with a partially-implemented API. The ticket that produced it was for some internal plumbing and, after various smoke tests and other poking around, followed by a demo of my approach and findings to the team, and some fixes, I could have stopped looking at it. But I thought enough functionality might be enabled that I could begin to navigate the API a little so I tried hand-rolling requests in Postman. After some false starts and a couple of workarounds (for those unfinished pieces of the API) I was able to make the bare bones of a user journey....