We don't have any business analysts at our place but I'm interested in the role and the potential insights a BA can bring to software development. Historically, I've wanted my testing to be concerned with more than whether the desired scope was implemented: I want it to wonder whether that scope is targeting the right problem and, if it is, whether some other scopes could solve it too, and what the relative merits of each are. I think this kind of work overlaps with the things a BA might do, but perhaps with sharper tools, and I perceive that there's crossover in the skill set too. To give my thoughts some more grounding I looked for an intro book and chose Business Analysis Agility by James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson. Why that one? Because it talks end-to-end about software development in contemporary environments, because it's got worked examples, and because I liked what Johanna Rothman's five-star review on Amazon said about it: This book bu...