I started an enjoyable discussion on Twitter the other day. Here's a brief summary. So I idly wondered whether it was possible to construct a barber-style paradox around context-driven testing (CDT) and tweeted this: A Context-Driven tester says that CDT is not applicable on some project, given the context, and tests accordingly. Is this CDT? I deliberately left this ambiguous. It could mean a few things, including: deciding how to test in the context any testing activities undertaken after evaluation of context both of the above all of the work the tester does on that project I think it's possible to make a case for all of them being CDT based on the original tweet. But it doesn't mean that any particular instance of them must be. For example, the context-driven tester might not act in a context-driven way at some point (perhaps only context-aware). Or while not doing CDT the context-driven tester might actually be con...