As good testers we obviously try to give our bug reports meaningful titles that encapsulate the kernel of the issue described in the ticket as clearly as possible. Occasionally we want to make the bug stand out from the background , keep an issue at the forefront of everbody's mind, emphasise the strength of feeling we have about some problem or just make a developer smile. One way to do this is to inject a bit of humour into the title and these are a few of my favourites from our bug tracker: We use "we" for "us" : product documentation is inconsistent in how it refers to the company Do you know who I am? : a login dialog both refers to a user by name and doesn't recognise them Hash clash in file-based cache : collisions in a hashing algorithm Caret does not stick : the cursor in a text box disappears Decomplexicate the complicated message's message complicator : a routine for aggregating error messages combines unhelpful terminology in a ha...