One of the joys of working in a team is the interactions with other people. As testers we are more often than not part of a team, even if sometimes that team is simply us and a developer (I stopped believing in the code fairy quite early on). One of the biggest time sinks of working in a team is the interactions with other people. I've written before about how I strive for conciseness, completeness, consistency, clarity and correctness in written communications and I try to do the same verbally too. If you can keep your meetings tight, people will thank you for it, will attend more often and contribute more effectively. Agendas help a lot. Benevolent dictatorship helps more. Not saying stuff for the sake of it, or repeating yourself or - worse - other people or - worse still - what other people said in the same meeting helps a great deal. The 5 Cs for writing can and do apply to conversations but because I'm not typically delivering a lengthy monologue in those situa...